
Wednesday 4 May 2011

Famous Animals And Birds

Name                                                                                   Description

Albatress                                              Sea bird found in North Pacific of teh American Coast
Alpaca                                                                Animal found in chile (s.America )
Beaver                                                           Animal found in Europe and N.America
Chameleon                                         A Lizard Capable of changing colour of its own skin
chamois                                                     An animal found in western Europe and asia
Cod                                          Well known palatable fish found British Coast and New foundland
Corals                                               Small marine animals found mainly in the mediterranean
Emu                                                                             Running bird of Australia
Giraffe                                                   The tallest animal of the world and found in Africa
Llama                                                    Adwarf-Camel like animal found in South America
Kangaroo                                                                 An animal found in Australia
Kiwi                                                                   Flightless Bird found in New Zealand
Koala                                                                        Animal Found in Australia
Mustang                                                               Animal Found in American Prairies
Octopus                                                                 A Sea animal with eight sucker arms
Ostrich                                           It is the largest living bird found in the Kalahari desert of Africa
Pelican                                                      Water Foul found in North America and Europe
Penguin                                                               Flightless sea bird found in Antarctica
Puma                                                            A Carnivorous quadrupled found in N.America
Reindeer                                                      A genus of horned deer found in Arctic region
Trout                                                                     A fresh water fish found in kashmir
Walrus                                                       Large artic marine animal found in north polar region
Yak                                                                     A curious long haired ox found in tibet
Zebra                                         Horse like quadrupled of whitish grey colour animal found in Africa

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